Karpov - Macieja, Warsaw 7th-10th April.
/Images/Backgr/gold.jpg" text="Black" link="Blue" alink="Green" vlink="Red">

/Images/Players/Small/Karpov1.gif" align="left" alt="Anatoly Karpov"> Anatoly Karpov won the rapid chess match against Bartlomiej Macieja . The score of the match - 6:2 . The match took place in Warsaw 7th-10th April. Time rate: 25 minutes + 5 seconds after each move.
The results:
Game 1
Karpov - Macieja 1-0
Game 2
Macieja - Karpov 0-1
Game 3
Karpov - Macieja 0-1
Game 4
Macieja - Karpov 0-1
Game 5
Karpov - Macieja ½
Game 6
Macieja - Karpov 0-1
Game 7
Karpov - Macieja ½
Game 8
Macieja - Karpov 0-1
/Java/2003/KarMac/viewer.html"> View games
/Java/2003/KarMac/karmac.zip"> Games in PGN
Internet site: www.zagraj.pl